Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Confessions of an India Team Member: Elaine Bader

Why am I going to India?

I prayed long and hard about whether or not I should make the commitment to go to India to help build homes for people who were left homeless due to the tsunami. I was heart broken to see and hear about the destruction the tsunami left behind. I believe that God has given me a choice to reach out to the hurting and the suffering with labors of love to better their lives and share a piece of my faith with them. I wanted to participate in the healing and the rebuilding of the lives affected by the aftermath of the tsunami. God’s answer to my question of why I should participate in this mission… was, why not? The question now is why not go to India? I had no reason not to participate and saw awesome opportunities. I knew I would be able to embrace this trip while balancing my family life. People who I admire and respect had faith in me that I would be an asset to the team and encouraged me to go. I believe that my life experiences and talents will serve others well in India. I believe that God has called me to serve in these efforts, to serve a purpose much bigger than any of us. I trust that God will bless this mission and that many seeds will be planted. So that is why I am going to India!

I am grateful for the encouraging words, prayers and gifts of those who are supporting me. I get reassurance and confirmation from them. I am so grateful for the opportunity!


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