Reflection: Skip Dodge
The March 2006 India Construction Mission trip to the Village of Anumanthai Kappam, India (just north of
I have learned so much during the Mission Trip to
I was challenged as I met one of the house owners who had polio in his right foot. He was up walking around and I thought about how he was so happy despite his condition. He kept us company as we dug holes the first day and through out the week he would come by to say hi. Seeing him made all my tiredness seem like nothing.
I learned to communicate with Indian people with and without a translator. It’s amazing what just a smile and actions can mean when you can’t speak to one another. I also got the opportunity get to know my team mates better even ones I didn’t know at all before going.
I learned the true meaning of team through-out the whole week, but especially while we were in
Sunday, March 26, 2006 celebrated my 10th year from becoming a Christ-Follower. It was so awesome to be able to share my testimony in the Church Planter’s Churches,