The Site!
After arriving in Pondicherry, we zipped over to the work-site for a quick survey of the houses we will be working on for the week. There are a total of 13 houses, and they are part of a much larger build being sponsored by The Leprosy Mission of India (TLM). The total for the community is somewhere around 76 homes, and our component with/through Habitat are an addendum to that figure. The 13 homes are in various stages ranging from “scratch” (i.e. we will dig the parapets for the footers all the way up as far as we can go within our timeframe) to “mostly complete” (i.e. we just need to paint and plaster, or do some minor finishing touches), and we will have the opportunity to work on each of them in various combined teams comprised of Bible League and GCC volunteers alongside skilled contracted masons and builders.
One cool thing that we were really pleased to find out: all the homes that we’re working on and funding are being given to people with disabilities. Some are blind or lame or have some sort of impairment that prevents them from being able to achieve a quality of life comparable to others in their village.
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