Writing A Support Letter
A few things to keep in mind when writing a support letter
1. ) If Contributors want their contributions to be tax-deductible, please have them complete the tax-deductible form that was attached to the e-mail that was sent to you. As well as have them write your name in the "memo" section of the check.
2.) Please do not have the Contributors drop the contributions in the offering, but rather please have contributions mailed to Granger Community Church / Re: India Mission's Trips / 630 E. University Dr. / Granger, IN / 46530 or drop off contributions in Jack's box in the work room or have contributions mailed to you and then can you can place them in Jack's box.
3.) Please feel free to add to the blog website http://gccmarch2006india.blogspotcom/ in your letter for your family, friends, and contributors to keep track as we go. This is our Blog website which we will be utilizing for the March 2006 India trip with relevant information. Please feel free to add comments or ask questions.